首页 / 基本陈列 / 精品珍藏 / 【古生物化石】巨鬣狗头骨化石



 这件巨鬣狗头骨化石出土于甘肃临夏地区,形态完整,石化程度很高。巨鬣狗生活在距今1200万年-900万年前的欧亚大陆及北非。巨鬣狗体重据推算可超过380公斤,是其时代高度多能的顶级捕猎者,它不仅能够袭击大型的猎物, 也能够利用其粗壮的、钳子式的,具有强大碎骨功能的前臼齿取食腐肉。


A skull fossil of the Dinocrocuta gigantea

Middle Miocene–Late Miocene (12-9 mya)

This fossil was found in the Linxia region of the Gansu province. The Dinocrocuta gigantea habited in the Eurasian and Northern African landplate. It’s weight was approximately 380kg and it was on the top of the food chain in it’s time. It could attack large prey and also enjoyed feeding on carrion, while it's powerful premolar could easily crush any bones.